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March Monthly Meeting

Date: Sunday March 19th ,2017.

Time: 10:00 am

Venue: Headquarters of the Horticultural Society (Lady Chancellor Road, Port of Spain)

This meeting will feature information on our Orchid Show - "Mothers Day III - A Tribute to Mothers".
Trophies from "Orchids…A Diamond Celebration Part 2", our October 2016 show will be distributed.
There will also be a Raffle. The prize is an Orchid. Will this month be your month to win it?
Don't forget to bring along your flowering orchids for the Monthly Show Table especially those new members to win your plant prizes. Winning members get to feature their plants in the following newsletter.

Orchids! A Tribute to Mother's Part 3

This year our Annual Orchid Show is themed Mothers Day III - A Tribute to Mother, in keeping with the show being held over Mother's Day weekend.

The Show Chairman is Christopher Watson (753-5427) and Co-chairperson is Judith Davis (349-4669). You are welcomed to contact them regarding any information about the show or if you will like to assist in any way possible. The Show Committee comprises the following members: Anis Baig, Anthony Navarro, Naeem Daniel, Acklima Daniel, Dave Marcus, Angie Forde, Ronald Seucharan, Lynn Seucharan, Linda Deonath, Antonio de Gannes, Jason Pierre, Atisha Hudlin, Helen Holley, Krystal Harrylal, Gervais de Matas and Gopaul Chackan.

Tickets for the show will be available from the March Monthly meeting. Vending contracts will also be available. Interested vendors should come prepared to register and make payments. The Show Committee has agreed that a cut off date for vending applications will be April 23rd at the Monthly meeting.

The committee is also trying to re-introduce the show Brochure. Any members interested in submitting articles, pictures or advertising in the Brochure can contact any member of the show committee.

Members interested in doing a display at the Show can contact Anis Baig (350-7539) or Lynn Seucharan (684-9580) for assistance. It will be a great idea to start collecting foliage plants and creating your theme for your personal display. This makes the actual set up of the display easier.

Judging displays are based on the following:

General Arrangement - 35 points
Quality of Flowers - 35 points
Variety - 20 points
Labelling - 10 points

Barbados Orchid Show - "Orchids Masquerade"

Our team will be departing for Barbados on Wednesday 22nd at 8.30pm. Representing us will be Robin Naipaul and Anthony Tang Kai.

There is still time for interested persons to make books to attend the show. Kindly contact Anthony at 774-5869.

We are kindly asking members to donate flowers for the display. Flowers can be dropped off at the Horticultural Society on Wednesday 22nd March, 2017 before mid-day. Members can contact Anthony Tang Kai - 774-5869 or Anis Baig - 350-7539 to arrange collection of flowers. Anis will collect flowers from those members in south.

Importance of Staking

It is essential to stake an orchid inflorescence if the plant is being transported to a meeting or show. The movement of travel can easily damage flowers or even break an inflorescence. Many orchids will present their flowers in a more pleasing manner if the inflorescence is staked. Use the link below to read the full article about stalking by the American Orchid Society.

Members are encouraged to explore the website as there is a wealth of information on it.

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