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Spring Orchid Show 2011 'ORCHIDS IN ART'

The Show will be held at the San Fernando Technical Institute in San Fernando on Saturday April 30th and Sunday May 1st. 2011.
This Show will be open to the public from 9.00am to 6.30 pm.on both days, and will feature exhibits within the entire auditorium comprising of small, medium and large exhibits. Sister Societies the Horticultural and Bonsai Societies, Environmental Organizations and the Ministry of Agriculture will also be staging exhibits. There will be many vendors selling orchid plants and horticultural supplies.
The entry desk will be set up at the show hall to receive entries of Orchid plants and cut flowers on Thursday April 28th 2011 from 9.00 a.m. all day until 9.00 pm. Please bring a written list of the names of your entries to assist the entry desk.
Judging of exhibits will be done on Friday April 29th 2011 this will take the same format as judging at monthly show tables with some modifications.


Judging Format - Monthly Show Table Classification (with Variations as necessary).
Basis for Variations - Size within class, Separation of color within class, six or more entries of a genera in a grouped class.


1.        Arachnis, Renanthera

2.       Ascoscenda 

3.       Vandas

4.       Phalaenopsis – with consideration for color separation based on entries

5.       Cattleya – with consideration for size separation based on entries

6.       Dendrobium

7.       Oncidium

8.       Terrestrials

·         Where there are 6 and more entries of any one genera then this/these genera will be judged separately

9.       Local Species

10.   Any Other

·         Where there are 6 and more entries of any one genera then this/these genera will be judged separately

11.   Flower Arrangements –

·         Arrangement of Orchid Flowers only

·          Arrangement of Orchids and other Flowers

·          Corsages

·         Wristbands

12.   Best Exhibit –

·         Small

·          Medium

·          Large

·         Novice

13.   Best in Show

14.   Award of Medals

·         Guest Displays, eg. Participating ENGO’s, Bonsai Society, etc.

·         Orchids on Display

15.   Photography Competition


Classes 1 to 11

·         First Place                   $100.00

·         Second Place             $  60.00

·         Third Place                 $  40.00

       Class 12

·         First Place                    $100.00

      Class 13 Best in Show        $500.00

      Class 14 Presentation of Medals – Gold, Silver and Bronze

      Class 15 Photography Competition

·         First Place                    $500.00

·         Second Place              $300.00

·         Third Place                  $100.00

All Society Award Judges and Student Judges are requested to participate in the Show Entry and Judging and your prior indication of availability will be required in order to organize the entry desk and judging teams.

Assistance is required from members of the society for the Information Desk, Left Luggage and Sale of tickets at the door for both days of the show.
Assistance is also required from members with regards to other areas of the setting up of the show.
Members who are willing to assist can contact the Show Chairpersons Kerry Latchman and Sharon Ramjit-Mohammed
Entry to the Show will be free to members on presentation of their Membership Card 2010/2011. Members whose subscription is not up to date should contact the Treasurer Gervais de Matas to have their membership renewed. Members, who do not have their membership renewed for the current fiscal year, will have to pay the admission fee for entry to the show. Tickets for the show are available from the Treasurer Gervais de Matas and other members of the Management Committee.
We are appealing to members to take as many tickets as possible to sell, in order to make this Show a huge success.

Gala Opening /Cocktail Party
The formal opening of this year's show "Orchids in Art" will take place on Friday April 29th 2011 at 6.30 pm at the Show Hall of the San Fernando Technical Institute at the southern end of the Solomon Hochoy Highway in Tarouba, San Fernando.
The price for this event is $60.00 and tickets can be purchased from any member of the Show Committee

TTOS Photography Contest

All entries for the TTOS photography contest must be from a digital original and submitted as a digital file (on a CD) and as an 8 x 10 in. print. The original photo must have been taken by a digital camera in high resolution mode or highest quality setting. The camera must be 8 megapixels and above. All entries must be accompanied by an official entry form which may be downloaded from the TTOS website if possible or obtained from a member of the Management Committee.
The photo only must be placed in an envelope by itself and inserted into a separate envelope which will include the entry form detailing the designated entry class together with the digital CD file. Due to the short time given by way of the April 2011 newsletter we have decided to extend the deadline date for submission of entries from April 17th to June 26th 2011.
By signing the official entry form the exhibitor agrees to license the TTOS to publish selected entries on a website, newsletter and other applicable print media.
TTOS will exercise due care with all entries but will assume no liability for any loss or damage to submitted photographs.

The contest is divided into two classes:
Orchid flowers against a void background, flowers must predominate.
Orchid flowers against a natural background, flowers must predominate.
Includes native orchids in habitat, naturalized orchids, orchids in display or nurseries etc.

This is a blind contest; please do not have any recognizable signatures, logos or watermarks on the front of the print
Entries will be returned to all participants.

Prizes will be awarded for this photography contest in accordance with that stated in the above mentioned show schedule.

We look forward to all our members coming out and participating in our Spring Orchid show. Do bring your plants to exhibit, display them and compete for valuable prizes and in so doing make our show a resounding success.

See you on our Show Days.


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