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September monthly meeting

The venue for the next monthly meeting at 10am on Sunday September 22nd 2019 is the Preysal Government Secondary School.

Directions to the venue:

-Traveling along the Solomon Hochoy Highway from north or south turn off at the Preysal/Couva ( Gran Couva) Flyover

- heading east in the direction leading to Gran Couva and the venue is the first building and complex on the right hand side of the road

- turn south into the dead end road which leads to the front entrance of the compound, (said road is parallel to the entrance to the highway heading south).

The topic of the Meeting will be Cattleyas and their cultivation presented by Oral Roberts.

There will be a show table, please bring all flowering Cattleyas, and a raffle.
Please plan to volunteer to assist at the October Orchid Show to be held October 12, 13 at Center Pointe Mall, Chaguanas, its a great air-conditioned venue where you can view the displays and shop for orchids and other plants in cool comfort.

All members who have not paid their 2019/ 2020 dues remember you need to be financial to enter the Show free.

Please note elections were held at the September Meeting and the 2019/2020 Committee comprises

President - Gopaul Chackan
VPs - Christopher Watson and Anthony Tang Kai
Secretary - Sharon Laurent
Treasurer Gervais de Matas ( who has agree to remain in the position until audited financial statements are presented)

Committee Members Curtis Lutchman, Steven Ali, Dave Marcus, Anthony Navarro and Diane Huggins
Immediate Past President Antonio de Gannes ( note this is not an elected position)

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